Sunday, May 10, 2009

mum, maaam, mama and 7 steps

I know she knows I am her mom, but it comes out different all the time. She cracks me up, sometimes it comes out as a maaaaammm, other times, it is a mim, mum, mom... Whatever way she says it, I know she is talking to me :) She has this new little chair, she sits and watches her toons and I have my coffee. She turns periodically and checks that I am still sitting and watching her, it melts my heart.On Friday, Vinny called me freaking out! Leah took some steps in our room. I raced home after school and she did it again, 7 steps! She took 7 steps! She has been doing it off an on all weekend, I am going to guess by the end of May, she'll be walking!

She knew today was special, that's for sure. I cried in the car on the way to breakfast this morning as she babbled mama in the backseat and blurted out something to Vinny like thanks for making me a mom. I am such a sap.

We had a nice breakfast with the whole family, it was fun.

Happy mother's day.
Thanks for being the best baby Leah bug, you give me a new purpose kid

1 comment:

Tarvin's said...

I love the picture representing the different generations!!!!