Sunday, November 30, 2008

its beginning to look a lot like christmas...

We set up the Christmas tree yesterday! Lee sat in her bouncy set making all kinds of noises while Vin and I hung the ornaments. Vinny swears that she said "uh-oh" but I haven't heard it yet! Lee was totally enjoying her outfit yesterday, Aunt Martha gave Lee this adorable organic cotton outfit and she totally fits in it! I want one! It amazes us that she fits in these 6-9 month pants, last Christmas we would always say, hey.. next year we will have a baby, won't that be cool? you know what.. it is better than cool, it is the most exciting time of our lives, everything is new and we get to show it to her! What is better than that? Vin put Lee on his shoulders to see the angel on top. She was into it for a few seconds and then realized how high she was, if Vin had hair, she would be holding onto it at this point!

Once she got a hold of that limb, we had to pry her fingers off of it!

I can't wait to fill the bottom with presents, I predict an exer-saucer will be under there ;)

I think blue is her color! Thanks Aunt Martha! Where is mine? (medium adult might fit)

Our friend Mike calls Leah "grumpers" I wonder why?
Merry Christmas Leah Bug


Julie Frizzi said...

Need to see her soon.........dreaming of pizza..............

Heidi said...

wylie...i LOVE this blog. i love your pictures and the way you give leah a voice...she's a funny girl. i love the grumpers pic.


ralph Harmon said...

She is too cute.
I am showing Ginny how to use the computer, if she can tear herself away from crosswords and jigsaw puzzles.

ralph Harmon said...

She is too cute.
I am showing Ginny how to use the computer

Mike said...

My little Grumper!