Thursday, February 12, 2009

7 Months and some favorites

That's right, 7 months old. Leah is a little girl now, she even likes little girl things. Headbands are my obsession, I feel like she looks girlie in them, and she doesn't mind wearing them either. Today was her doctor's appointment, it was a month late. I took the whole day off today and we had some fun, prior to the appointment anyway.
Lunch at Panera, our favorite. Leah loves to sit in her high chair and munch on some bread, she is such a good eater!
Leah loves her shoes, and I love this about her too, I bought her the cutest white patent leather ones with pink bows, and she loves to touch the bows. I just love her sneakers, tough with the denim, but still pretty feminine
I brought the camera to document her weight, I was pretty sure she was 18 pounds... but I was wrong.

27 inches long, she is 3 inches longer than she was last time we were there ;)
And for her weight, drum roll..... that says, 19 pounds, 7 oz.! Yes, you read it, it is right there is black and white ;) She is offically a 1 year old! I giggle because Dr. Needle said, "Just to put her weight into perspective, most 1 year olds weigh 20 pounds..." He was fine with her weight though, he said she is getting into her active stage and expects that she will lean out as she really starts moving (crawling). I love the percentiles, that is my favorite, she is 90th percentile for weight and 75th for height.

She flipped over so fast on that scale, the nurse said, "I have been doing this for 20 years and never seen a baby flip that fast, she is a lively one." After she gave Leah her shots she also added, "ooohh, that one has a temper!"

I assume she said this because Leah slapped her after the second shot :)

And Leah's total favorite is her bath, I took a video of it, I love her in the bath. She stays in there for a good 30 minutes and cries when I take her out. She screams in there, not because she is mad, but she loves the echo, Teddy and Emma stay out, it is too loud for them in there!


Kelly Hutcheson said...

Oh, I love that leah bug too! Was that a typo with her weight? lol. She is too cute for words! She has Vin's eyes like crazy! I had to stop watching the video because I felt like I was watching Vin in the tub! lo freaking l!!

Heidi said...

oh my gosh...she is adorable. I lone these pictures too! love documenting all the details.